Chuck Schumer wants childproof caps for all e-juice


United States Senator Charles Schumer from the Blommbergist Commonwealth of New York has never been one to shy away from over-regulation. So it should come as no surprise that Chuck wants to require all nicotine e-juices to come with childproof caps.

According to the article calls to New York state poison control went up from 46 calls in 2013 to 70 in 2014, in a state of almost 20 million. I would lay odds that they get more calls about poisonings from things that already come with childproof caps like prescription medication and bleach.

Schumer also has to trot out the candy flavors trope as well…

“With flavors like bubble gum and chocolate, it’s no wonder children are attracted to e-liquid in the hopes that it’s candy,” Schumer.

The thing is Chuck you can get childproof bottles from most reputable vaping outlets and if your local one doesn’t have one they can be ordered online. Not to mention that most kids can open child proof caps anyway.

Once again clueless politicians are too willing to waste taxpayer money over trivial B.S.

One of the principles this country was founded on was freedom of choice. Apparently choice has been replaced by ‘mandates’.

2 thoughts on “Chuck Schumer wants childproof caps for all e-juice”

  1. Vodka comes in yummy flavors too…. Childproof caps? Oh wait. People are supposed to know to keep alcohol away from children.


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